Militants left Waziristan before Operation

Bannu: Hundreds of Taliban fighters have dissipated in the Pakistani population and their leaders may have flown over to India via Dubai.

Azam Khan was a barber in Miranshah but now he is part of the Internally-Displaced persons sheltered outside Bannu. Over half a million fled North Waziristan when it came under an aerial and then ground offensive by the Pakistani military beginning June 15.

Azam Khan told AFP his business boomed in the month leading up to the army assault as the militants queued up to have their hair cut and their beards shaved. "I have trimmed the hair and beards of more than 700 local and Uzbek militants ahead of the security forces´ operation," says Azam Khan.

For years he cut Taliban commanders' hair to match the flowing locks of former Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) leader, Hakimullah Mehsud, killed by a US drone last November, but in May this year things turned around in the face of an impending operation.

"The same leaders came asking for shaving their beards off and cutting their hair short,” Khan said. Most commanders told Mr Khan they were off to the Gulf and did not want to attract attention of security men at Pakistani airports. Uzbek and Tajik militants spoke few words of Pushto like malgari (friend) machine zero joray…Islamabad their sign language did the rest.

Unconfirmed reports say top Taliban leaders may have taken refuge in Gulf countries and even India.

Militants left Waziristan before Operation
Leony Li
By The Pakistan Monitor
Published: 2014-07-07T06:46:00-07:00
Militants left Waziristan before Operation
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